Hi Blues Fans.  my name is Larry Watt and I am the owner/webmaster of BluesBox.

BluesBox.com was first brought online 30 years ago as a place to sell and promote

BluesBox Harmonica Cases which I manufactured  (I'm holding one in the above photo).

As the years went by I slowly discontinued making the cases,  but kept this website up and running.

Music has always been a major part of my life.  As a toddler the grownups would put me up

on my grandma's kitchen table out on the farm so I could sing and dance while my Uncles and Aunts

and the rest of the family would pitch pennies and nickels on the table.

There was always a lot of laughter, but for me it was serious business!

The first song request and only request at that time was the tune "Music,Music"

Put another nickel in
In the nickelodeon
All I want is loving you
And music, music, music

Wish there was a video of that, but back in the early 1950's there were no Smartphones!

So, thus the beginning of my career as a musician.

Later in life during High School and college I was a lead singer for various

rock, rhythm and blues bands.

Then I "carried on" with life.


to be continued ..............